
Götti繼2月的德國iF產品設計大獎,緊接著3月又以「全球首創專利360 °旋轉鏡腳」-FONS獲得「2012德國reddot紅點設計大獎」。


FONS方形框架採用一體成型不鏽鋼材質,輕巧耐穿戴。搭配堅固的航太材質-gFLEX鏡腳,完美重量考量,整副鏡架穿戴後,有型時尚,但卻輕巧舒適。最重要的360 °旋轉鏡腳設計,整整減少65%以上的收納空間。


Following iF Product Design
Award 2012, Götti Switzerland received the 「reddot design award 2012」for its Fons

「reddot design award」has over 5 decades history. There are ten thousands of entries every years and the concept stands out in both design and functionality for sure.

FONS-Masculine square shape, front made by one-piece stainless steel. The temple material is for NASA-gFLEX. Combine these two material, FONS became light and durable. The most important design is 「SPIN&STOW」, after 180° spin, you can reduce over 65% storage space.